71 research outputs found

    Methods, Strategies, and Implementation of Agricultural Preservation in the South Valley, New Mexico

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    The purpose of this plan is to formulate strategies to preserve agricultural land in the South Valley area of Bernalillo County. The project is intended to assist the Bernalillo County Planning Department by providing the SouthWest Area Plan Steering Committee with an understanding of the current agricultural conditions in the South Valley. The project is also intended to help the community to develop goals and strategies to preserve agriculture. Historically, the South Valley maintained itself as a self sufficient agricultural community until the early 1940s. Recently, the number of acres in agriculture had declines. Much of this decline has been due to conversion of land from agriculture to residential, commercial, and manufacturing uses. The intent of this plan is to asses the rate of change of the South Valley most vital natural resources, and to recommend actions to endure the protection of farmland. The research sections leading to various recommendations will examine the agricultural history and the existing agricultural conditions in the plan area, study the factors that have contributed to the decline of agricultural production, look at possible strategies for local government as well as for South Valley residents to preserve agricultural land, and finally, proposes ideas for implementing agricultural preservation policies and actions in the area. The need to preserve farmland in the South Valley is based on the numerous benefits agriculture provides. For example, farming provides for aquifer recharge for the Middle Rio Grande Valley. Agriculture also preserves the open space and rural character of the region, as well as provides recreation and trails along the acequia system

    The Evolution of the Urban Acequia Landscape of the American Southwest

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    [EN] This paper describes the evolution and erasure of the urban acequia landscape in three urban centers of the American Southwest. These cultural landscapes were first developed by Native American peoples in present day New Mexico, Arizona and California. In the late sixteenth century, expansion of New Spain into the region introduced acequia irrigation methods to establish permanent agricultural settlements. Further expansion of these systems occurred in the seventeenth and into the eighteenth centuries. Spanish settlement policies followed La Recopilación de Las Leyes de Las Indias which established design criteria for organizing acequia irrigation systems and the built environment. This study explicates the transformation and adaption of the urban acequia landscape from the settlement period under Spanish Law, the Mexican Period, and through the organization as modern cities of the American Southwest. Today, the cities of San Antonio, Albuquerque, and Los Angeles have evolved into major population centers while containing the material memory of the acequia landscape in the urban form of the city. Through the use of geospatial visualization mapping, this paper documents the morphological process of urbanization and how irrigation systems became the framework for the spatial organization of the southwest cities that were within Mexican territory before the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.Gonzales, MG. (2015). The Evolution of the Urban Acequia Landscape of the American Southwest. En Irrigation, Society and Landscape. Tribute to Tom F. Glick. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 720-737. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISL2014.2014.200OCS72073

    Law Schools Harm Genizaros and Other Indigenous People by Misunderstanding ABA Policy

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    Law schools justifiably seek to enroll a diverse student body in order to enrich the academic experience and environment, and to provide attorneys who will serve all segments of our society. American law schools enjoy the constitutional right to maintain such diversity. Indeed, accreditation standards promulgated by the American Bar Association ( ABA ) require it. The Association of American Law Schools carries a similar mandate. In seeking to create a diverse student body, law schools offer applicants the opportunity to identify their backgrounds. There generally is no diversity police checking on the accuracy of the self-identification as a member of a minority group by a law school applicant. However, there is one glaring exception. That involves Native Americans.\u27 Law schools generally want to pursue the worthy and lawful goal; yet, due to a serious misunderstanding among American law schools, Genizaros and other nontribal affiliated Indians are often precluded from pursuing this goal because they cannot emphasize their indigenous backgrounds. In fact, as shown below, these applicants could be viewed as fraudulent or dishonest in the process. It is more than likely that law schools are simply overlooking a second, critical part of the relevant admissions policy. This issue is rooted in the 2011 American Bar Association policy which reads as follows: [T]he American Bar Association urges the Law School Admissions Council and ABA-approved law schools to require additional information from individuals who indicate on their applications for testing or admission that they are Native American, including Tribal citizenship, Tribal affiliation or enrollment number, and/or a \u27heritage statement.’ In this article, we will first examine how the ABA policy came to be and how it is being misapplied. Second, we will briefly consider who can document tribal affiliation, thus satisfying the first part of the ABA test. Third, we will explore the Genizaro reality, demonstrating the heritage that should satisfy the second part of the ABA Resolution. Finally, we will explain how the misapplication of this ABA policy is unintentionally perpetuating a badge of servitude upon the Genizaro people

    Landscape Morphology and Adaptation: Land Use Change in Rio Arriba

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    The Cultural Evolution of Rio Arriba County

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    Implementación de un sistema web para el registro de casos de bullying en el complejo educativo San Cristo

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la mejora del registro de Casos de bullying en el Complejo Educativo San Cristo, mediante el uso de un Sistema Web, para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto la metodología aplicada consistió en aplicar los instrumentos elaborados de acuerdo a los indicadores planteados, tabulando estos resultados mediante análisis estadísticos, con la finalidad de determinar el logro de estos. Se logró reducir el tiempo del registro de atención de casos de bullying en 4.11 minutos, el tiempo promedio de registro de reuniones y actividades de prevención se reduce en 3.9 minutos, el tiempo promedio de búsqueda de alumnos reincidentes se reduce en 38.13 minutos, finalmente se reduce el tiempo de registro y de búsqueda de los acuerdos y medidas en 5.94 minutos y 3.94 minutos respectivamente. Concluyéndose que se logra mejorar el registro de atención de casos de bullying, el registro de comunicaciones de actividades de prevención y registro de los acuerdos y medidas en casos de bullying; finalmente mediante el uso de un sistema Web se mejora el Registro de Casos de bullying en el Complejo Educativo San Cristo


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    La tesis elaborada ha sido desarrollada tomando en cuenta el reglamento de grados y títulos de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad de Huánuco, las partes que a continuación se presentan fueron elaborados con la asesoría pertinente. En la primera sección, se cuenta con la fundamentación del problema, es decir, los motivos y razones del porqué del estudio, también contempla los objetivos y la justificación pertinente. En la segunda sección, se ha citado autores importantes del ámbito internacional, nacional, local, conclusiones que han sido discutidas para dar vigencia a dichas conclusiones o no. De igual forma se contempla marco teórico correspondiente a las variables planteadas, en él se destacan autores investigadores de la Universidad del Pacifico, quien son claros en precisar como en circunstancias normales debe actuar las variables citadas. Por otro lado, en la tercera sección contamos con la metodología de la investigación, esta ha sido determinada como un estudio no experimental, de tipo transaccional, es decir, los instrumentos fueron usados en una sola oportunidad a la muestra seleccionada, la que fue aleatoria en su selección. Se plantea además las formas de procesar y analizar la información, teniendo al programa estadístico SPSS como la herramienta clave para este trabajo. En la cuarta sección se cuenta con los resultados, estos que han sido tomados gracias a la aplicación de instrumentos de manera remota a los empresarios, salvaguardando la salud de los que llenaron la encuesta como del encuestado. La hipótesis contrastada tomo a Pearson como la estrategia clave para poder demostrar la relación entre las variables, cuyos resultados en la quinta sección fueron discut6idas con los antecedentes y el marco teórico. Finalmente, las conclusiones demostraron que, si hay relación entre el financiamiento y la inversión en tiempos de covid19 en las pequeñas empresas de Huánuco, dado que la demanda de dinero para adquirir activos fijos, capital de trabajo fue una necesidad permanente en tiempos de pandemia, así lo demuestra el valor cercano a cero del Pearson estimado para hipótesis general. Frente a estos resultados categóricos, la tesis recomienda a los empresarios cumplir adecuadamente con sus compromisos de pago, puesto que estos pueden acceder a avales del Estado con tasas de interés más baja.Tesi

    Agregado asfáltico reciclado en el diseño de pavimento flexible Ransa, San Agustín Terminal 1 – Callao 2021

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar de qué manera el agregado asfaltico reciclado influye en el diseño de pavimento flexible Ransa, San Agustín Terminal 1 – Callao 2021. La presente investigación fue de tipo aplicada y de enfoque cuantitativo. las muestras obtenidas de asfalto reciclado in situ fueron tomados de un pavimento el cual se encuentra operativo dentro de los almacenes de Ransa mediante el ensayo de diamantina. Las muestras obtenidas fueron procesadas y analizadas en un laboratorio de una planta de asfalto, pasando por todos los ensayos necesarios con la finalidad de obtener la granulometría y porcentaje de asfalto de la mezcla a reutilizar. Se procedió a tomar como referencia un diseño de mezcla con el cual se trabaja en las instalaciones del terminal 1 el cual es un MAC2 – D5 una vez analizada la granulometría de ambas muestras se procedió al mezclado con una dosificación del 20% de asfalto reciclado y 80% del MAC2 – D5 dando como resultado un incremento en la densidad y estabilidad del nuevo diseño de mezcla del pavimento flexible. Con los resultados obtenidos podemos observar que nuestra muestra de asfalto reciclado tiene un alto valor para su reutilizació

    Estudo do efeito da absorção da radiação solar pela atmosfera em aplicações fotovoltaicas

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    Orientador: Ennio Peres da SilvaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb WataghinResumo: A utilização das energias renováveis como fontes de geração de energia, que no seu uso produzem relativamente menores problemas de poluição ambiental que as fontes não renováveis tradicionais, é um dos temas de consideráveis estudos para se melhorar as condições do meio ambiente que no presente vivemos, onde predomina amplamente o uso indiscriminado das fontes não renováveis como exploração do petróleo e todos seus derivados, uso da radiatividade, etc. A energia solar é uma dessas fontes renováveis, com seu potencial quase inesgotável de energia, que pode ser de grande utilidade em muitas aplicações entre as quais temos o aproveitamento fotovoltaico, aquecimento de água, etc. Para tais aplicações é preciso um estudo quantitativo e qualitativo da radiação solar, o qual permita conhecer-se as propriedades físicas desta, como a quantidade de radiação solar disponível numa determinada região, distribuições diárias e mensais; médias diárias, mensais, etc. Outra análise importante é aquela das perdas da irradiação solar por absorção e dispersão na camada da atmosfera terrestre permitindo-se determinar a quantidade de radiação líquida que atinge a superfície terrestre (quantidade útil nas aplicações solariméricas). Este trabalho trata da análise de algumas propriedades físicas da radiação solar na região de Campinas -SP, procurando determinar as distribuições de radiação solar diárias e mensais. Aqui também são propostos dois modelos semi-empíricos para determinar as perdas por absorção e dispersão na atmosfera terrestre da radiação solar, visando um estudo posterior no uso de sistemas fotovoltaicos na regiãoAbstract: The renewable energy utilization like sources of energy generation, whose use procure relatively a little problems about ambient pollution, than the traditionally no renewable sources is a subject of considerable studies to improve the environment conditions that on the present we live, whose great domains id the indiscriminate use of the no renewable sources like to petrol and its derivatives exploitation, radioactivity use, and so on. The solar energy is a of those renewable sources, with its production almost inexhaustible of energy, it can be of great utility in many applications, one of them is the photovoltaic available, water heating, etc. For these applications is necessary a quantitative and qualitative study of solar radiation, that will allow to know the physical properties of this, like to solar available radiation quantity, in determined region, daily and mensal distributions, daily and mensal means, etc. Other important analysis is the solar radiation dispersion and absorption losses in the atmospheric terrestrial layer allowing to determine the total radiation quantity that come to terrestrial surface (usual quantity at the solarimetric applications ). This work investigates about some physical properties of solar radiation on the Campinas.-SP region, trying to determine the mensal and daily solar radiation distributions. Here also are given semi-empirical models to determinate the absorption and dispersion losses in the terrestrial atmospheric of the solar radiation and visa a posterior study about photovoltaic systems use at the regionMestradoFísicaMestre em Físic